
Care: Location beware of full sun
Care: Watering soak in water once a week
Care: Fertilising add fertiliser 1x per month
Care: Temperature minimal 10 °C
Care: Consumption not suitable for consumption
Certificates MPS-GAP MPS-GAP
Certificates Socialy Qualified MPS-SQ
Pot size 15 cm
Minimum plant height including pot 20 cm
Transport height 5 cm
Plant shape clumb
Cultivation medium 100% peat free
Wrapping material no wrapping
Printing on wrapping, general without sleeve
Country of origin Netherlands
Edible / non edible not suitable for consumption
Possible application suitable for indoor use
Certificates MPS ABC MPS-A
Quality group A1
Price unit per item

Packing configurations

DC 337 - Danish box half 10×8×2